Tuesday, May 17, 2011

speak up

The powers that be at my elementary school referred me to a psychologist in RVC. Fool that I was at the time, I was afraid to speak up. I hated those Rorschacks (sp?) The gentleman I met with was so nice. Why couldn't I tell him? He said that he was working with children whose families were having problems. I didn't let on what was going on at home though. Although my parents were sitting in the adjacent waiting room, presumably out of earshot, I was afraid. I remembered my mother saying "what goes on within these four walls, stays within these four walls". My father said "I could kill you if I wanted to." I didn't want to anger my parents. I certainly didn't want to be killed. So I said things were ok at home. Guess I really was a dumb kid. Here was my opportunity to tell someone, someone who may have had the potential to help me escape. But I blew it.

I told DH about this and he agreed I was a fool not to tell.

Please, if you are a kid going through this, speak up. If you suspect a child is being abused, speak up. Get involved.

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